Preferences are of the most varied kind and include adjustments that generally deal with the resolution of your presentation, groups and services that are involved, devices you work with, network connections, and input adjustments. If there is one particular thing to appreciate when working with ProPresenter, it's the flexibility you deal with in every little step you take. Aside from the various actions, you can add to your slides and components, timers, and audio inputs, one can intertwine various texts with video content and have these adjusted on the go. This particular application gives the feeling of a filming studio rather than a simple presentation creation program. Add various drop-down menus to the mix and you've got yourself a real mess going on. You have about four or five different panes and the central window detailing your project and its components. A search button is visible in the top-right corner of the program window. It's not that you'll find it hard to discover whatever options you need, but rather that you have this feeling these options have been scattered all over the place.Īll the settings are clearly labeled. This is the exact situation with ProPresenter. Now, with most such programs the interface is hard to keep neat and clean. While it was created initially as an aid to worship gatherings, this presentation software has developed into a universal solution for use in almost any situation, from simple school projects to more ambitious broadcasts. It's not so much an app as it is a media center for creating and controlling your presentation while the added content is being displayed.Īs a result, you can directly manipulate your creation as you go on. If you have a question about a feature/compatibility in ProPresenter Remote for your particular version of ProPresenter, please contact our sales team at you are having any issues with the app, please contact our support team at so that we can assist.ProPresenter is not about how cool this application is but about how professional your presentations will look after using it. Not all features in ProPresenter Remote are supported by all versions of ProPresenter. A Wi-Fi connection to the ProPresenter machine.

Control and configure your clocks and timers.Simplified remote with slide notes to put the controls in the presenter's hands.

Control presentations using the familiar grid layout that you're accustomed to from ProPresenter.Using ProPresenter Remote you'll be able to control or observe many key features of any ProPresenter application that's running on your Wi-Fi network. ProPresenter Remote is the perfect companion for Renewed Vision's award winning ProPresenter presentation software.